
Know Amrita

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Misc Downloads

              The only place on the net with downloads on Ms. Amrita where you can find things other than just pics and wallpapers. There is not a single site on the net which provides you anything else than pics of Ms. Amrita. Unlike rest of the sites which just to maximize their hit counter lies and when you finally go to the page you feels like you have been cheated with links and links to follow and finally end with just 1-2 images of Amrita, idreamofamrita is dedicated to provide you with loads of quality downloads. Even on the pics/wallpaper section this site offers you the biggest galleries of this beautiful actress. Please check out the pics and wallpaper galleries and then mail me the name of the site with more stuff on Amrita; if there is any.

                This is just the beginning of the section as I am working on the pages and other materials of the site to made it available to public as soon as possible. 

PLEASE NOTE that this section contains only those downloads not offered in this site any where else. If you want to download Wallpapers, Pictures or Articles/Interviews please visit the related page on this site. 

Skins for Winamp 2.x
       After downloading simply double click the .wsz file in the explorer to install the skin.

      This will install the skin in the skins folder of the winamp installtion directory

      After downloading simply double click the .wsz file in the explorer to install the skin.

      This will install the skin in the skins folder of the winamp installtion directory

      After downloading simply double click the .wsz file in the explorer to install the skin.

      This will install the skin in the skins folder of the winamp installtion directory



Icon Set v1.0
            Installer Included. Simply run the .exe file and it will extract the icons to the specified folder. Download


Tools required by idreamofamrita
idreamofamrita is optimised and tested with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0. - the world's most popular browser application. To go to the Microsoft's web site click on the IE logo at the left.
Part of the site is made with Macromedia Flash 5.0 (Especially the navigation panel). To be able to view and navigate the site you will need the Flash Player 5.0 or later. Click On the left logo to go to Macromedia's site.
Most of the downloadable files in the site are in the .Zip format. Before you can use them you must extract the files in a folder. idreamofamrita.com recommended  WinZip. Click On the left logo to visit Winzip's main site.
The interviews and articles in the interview section is in .pdf format. You would need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later installed to open them.

As I said this is the beginning . Coming very soon are Screen Savers, Desktop Themes and many many more for you to enjoy.... So check often